How to decrease your bounce rate

How to Decrease Bounce Rate

Are you concerned about the high bounce rate of your site? You should be because if you decrease bounce rates it means people are more interested in your website and they are more likely to convert.

It’s not always easy to decrease bounce rate though. You need to implement a few web design changes and consider the keywords you’ve been using.

The good news is that if you work on it, you can see a shift in your bounce rate and more leads or revenue from your site.

Here are some tips and tricks that I’ve learned to decrease your bounce rate on your site.

How to decrease your bounce rate

What Is Bounce Rate?

Google Analytics defines bounce rate as the percentage of single page visitors to a webpage. In other words, if an Internet user goes to one of your site’s pages, but then hits the back button to go back to the search engine, that person has bounced.

Internet users bounce from websites for two reasons:

  1. They didn’t find what they were looking for on the site.
  2. They found the website too difficult to use.

Decreasing Bounce Rate – Start with a Goal

The best way to know if the changes you’re going to implement are helping your bounce rate is to have a goal in mind. But, you need to be realistic about your goal. Each type of website has an average bounce rate you should keep in mind as you’re setting this goal.

  • Content websites usually have a bounce rate of 40% to 60%.
  • Lead generation sites have a lower bounce rate of 30% to 50%.
  • Blogs have a much higher bounce rate of 70% to 98%.
  • Retail sites have a low bounce rate. Since people are usually browsing items, which are on multiple pages, the average bounce rate is lower at 20% to 40%.
  • Service sites are similar to retail sites, but with a much lower average bounce rate, service sites usually have a rate of 10% to 30%.
  • Landing pages are notorious for high bounce rates. The average is 70% to 90%.

How to Change Your Site for Better Engagement

When you attract the right visitors to your site, it’s likely they will not bounce. You can attract those visitors in four ways.

  1. Create landing pages using keywords that target the right visitors. You will need to do keyword research to know what your target audience is searching for online.
  2. Ranking on the first page of search engine results. Specifically, ranking for your branded terms will increase traffic numbers and bring in visitors that are interested in what you’re offering.
  3. Write meta descriptions that entice your audience to click on your webpage on search engine results pages. The Yoast plugin will help a lot here.
  4. Review advertising campaigns and make changes that will better target your consumers. You can even personally take control of your advertising with plugins like WP Background Takeover.

Increase Chances Visibility

One of the conclusions Google comes to when web visitors bounce is that the site is too difficult to navigate. This is why it’s important to make sure your site can deliver what people are looking for within seconds of them landing on your site. You can do this in the following ways.

  • Make sure the text is readable. It should be a color that stands out from the background. The text should be a comfortable size for reading.
  • The site should be organized.
  • Good use of white space is important. There shouldn’t be too much white space, but there should be some to keep the site from looking cluttered.
  • Bulleted lists, subheaders, and short paragraphs are best for content because Internet users are more likely to scan than read every word.
  • Large headlines grab Internet users’ attention, so use them to show your consumers what they are looking for on your site.
  • Speed up your website because there’s nothing more frustrating to web users than a slow website. Avoid self-loading multimedia content and maintain your site with the latest updates to ensure it’s in good working order.
  • Set all external links to open in a new window, so your visitors aren’t bouncing from your site when they go to a site you’re recommending.
  • Ads can be distracting. Avoid pop ups and place static ads on the side of your site.


Content is everything. People want valuable information from the Internet.

The content on your site should quickly give readers what they need.

Make sure your content is error free, easy to read, and relevant to your consumers. The more information you can provide your consumers, the less likely they will be to bounce.

At the end of each blog post, suggest other posts they may enjoy or use a call to action for them to complete a form. If you can get your readers to do something else on your site, you’ll be improving the bounce rate.

How have you decreased your site’s bounce rate? Or how will you start? Leave a comment below to let us know. will feature articles on WordPress (themes, plugins, and tutorials, Internet Marketing, Blogging, SEO, Web Design, and Social Media

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