WordPress 3.5 Features

WordPress 3.5 has just been officially updated, so let’s find out what this means for the millions that use this awesome CMS platform.

The latest update, Elvin (nicknamed for the Jazz drummer, Elvin Jones) is designed to make WordPress much more intuitive for users and internet enthusiasts alike.  It includes taking away some complicated features, improving the simplicity, and fixing a few things that didn’t work before.

So here are some of the things that we felt made a difference in the update:

1. Media Upload

It’s finally here.  I have been working on WordPress for a few years now, and I can’t tell you how many times I have griped about the Media Upload.  It just was inefficient and made things difficult to insert pictures in.  Well, thankfully we have a new overlay to the media tasks.

You can now easily take any of your pictures from your desktop and drag them into the “new media” window.  Once you drag them into the “new media” window, your photos will simply upload, and allow you to insert them easily into the post.  You can additionally add subtext to the pics easily.

2. Bye, Bye Link Manager

In a little bit of an upsetting post, Link Manager has been hidden.  Link Manager was the tool that you used to view all of your links, however if you already have links and you’re upgrading your WordPress to 3.5, you will be able to use your Link Manager.  If you have a new installation, than you need to download the Link Manager plugin.

3. New Embedded Features

Now you can easily embed a ton of new content.  What this means is that when you place a link from one of these sites, the website will easily add the content to your post.  This includes Instagram, Soundcloud, Slideshare and Vimeo links.

4. Added Bonuses

A few other added bonuses with WordPress 3.5

  • Beautiful high-resolution support for retina displays
  • HTML tab is now called “Text”
  • Color picker on the “Customize Theme” page
  • Plugins can now be marked as “Favorite”
  • Multisite installs are now being supported

If you have heard of any extra perks with the new update of wordpress 3.5, be sure to let us know in the comments below!


WPsite.net will feature articles on WordPress (themes, plugins, and tutorials, Internet Marketing, Blogging, SEO, Web Design, and Social Media

One thought on “WordPress 3.5 Features

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