
Facebook or Twitter Advertising: Which is Right for You?

Facebook or Twitter – is there a definite answer to the question? Let us make clear that our goal here isn’t to say which of these networks is better for the users nor from an aesthetic point of view, but to determine which will suit your needs more as it relates to internet marketing. Over 60% of adults worldwide use social media and it is surprising that a lot of companies and businesses do not have a social media presence at all.


Often people compare Facebook to a cafe where people come in groups to sit down, drink and chat about different things. Following that logic Twitter is more like taking a walk to work and meeting a lot of people you know along the way but only having a brief conversation with each person. In terms of advertising, people in the cafe will be exposed to that cafe’s advertisements for a long period of time while they are there while a person going to work will be exposed to a lot of ads for a short period of time. This way of comparing things tells us a lot about the Facebook vs Twitter debate already, but do not take it for granted as both are very powerful.

Facebook is a place to get targeted followers and subscribers from your local area who are interested in what you have to say and offer. Twitter is a good place to send out short messages that might not really reach their targeted audience. In all honesty, Twitter seems to be good only if you are celebrity, an individual of interest (artists, designer or developer) or a large company that promotes products on a national level.

Advertising with Facebook

A key advantage of Facebook when it comes to marketing is their advertising offer. Their Facebook Ads allow you to get a lot of targeted visitors and increase the number of followers that your page has. You can also bring these followers directly to your website, sales page, blog, portfolio etc. Their ad tools make it easy for you to control your budget and pay per 1,000 impression or per click. You can also choose who will see these ads by using many of their filtering tools. You can select:

  • The desired location of your audience by country, town or postal code.
  • The desired age and sex of your audience.
  • The precise interests of your audience.
  • The categories which interest your audience.

After all of your filters have been set up, Facebook will notify you how many people fit the criteria and you will know exactly how large your potential audience for that marketing campaign really is (as seen on the image above). Facebook will also suggest how much you will probably have to pay per click or per 1,000 impressions after you have set-up everything. The ads are displayed usually on the right side of screen with the text “Sponsored” above them. You can also buy ads in the forms of promoted stories and have your page appear right in the users news feed.

Advertising with Twitter

The advertising methods on Twitter are much less obvious than the Facebook ads and these ads look more natural and drive more user interaction. However, the problem is defining the chances of your targeted group reading the promoted tweet. Politicians and celebrities, along with popular brands such as Pepsi or Starbucks can take full advantage of these advertising methods as they have thousands of followers (or potential new followers) and their updates will certainly get enough re-tweets to reach a wider audience.


If a small business that is just starting out is hoping to reach hundreds of people who will be potential clients then there is a major flaw in the concept. The first is that most Twitter users are constantly bombarded with new updates and even if they follow you, there is a major chance that they will not see your tweets nor will they take any special action if they do. Of course this is just one view on the matter considering there are people who have reported great success with Twitter. However, these folks were not a start up or a business, they were usually individuals who created a personal brand. Among them are SEO experts, marketing consultants, designers, YouYube-casters, etc.

Do Your Research

As we stated in the opening, there is no definitive answer to the Facebook vs Twitter debate, but you will be able to make a more informed choice based on proper research. In truth, there is enough room for both of these social networks in a good marketing plan, but if you are just starting out it might be best to pursue only one of these as far as buying advertising goes. You can also maintain the other network account but keep in mind that your will not necessarily see the same ROI on both platforms.

Analyze your competition and see what they are using and determine how successful are their marketing efforts. Understand the expectations and needs of your audience and adjust your social profiles accordingly. Remember to have a well designed profile page and provide regular quality content and useful information to your target audience.

If you have any opinions or experiences about Facebook or Twitter advertising, feel free to share them with the community. Which do you use – Facebook or Twitter?


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