There are many many ways to make money online. However, most people don’t even know about half of them, or at least haven’t considered them for their own business. That means there can be less competition for those ways of earning revenue. If very few players in your niche are doing anything different. Learning about the many revenue […]
How to Perfect Your Adwords Strategy
When you’re starting out online, Adwords can get you some business right away. It brings you targeted traffic, and when you choose the right keywords, those consumers are more likely to convert. But, before you start spending money on it though; it’s best to have a winning Adwords strategy. It’s All About Keywords It’s also […]
FireBar Notification Bars for WordPress
The FireBar Notification Bars plugin for WordPress allows you to add a customizable bar to the top or bottom of your blog or website. You can display different types of notifications on specific post types (page ID, post ID, category ID, and tag ID). Or create a bar that will display on your whole site, […]
What You Need to Know to Price Ads on Your Site
Knowing what to charge advertisers can be difficult. You don’t want to charge so much you scare people away, but you also want to make money. Luckily, there are easy ways to determine how much you should price ads on your site, so that everyone is happy. However, you do need find those advertisers. First, […]
How to Get Businesses to Advertise on Your Website
You have a website that gets a decent amount of traffic and you know business owners could profit from advertising on your site. The only problem is that you don’t know how to approach businesses or get businesses to advertise on your website. This is a classic problem for people trying to break into the ad […]