Post Status Notifications Plugin

Are you running a multi-author site?

Do you allow contributors, freelancers, or writers to submit posts to your site?

Does your team follow an editorial workflow?

Then, our latest plugin – Post Status Notifications – is right for you.

Post Status Notifications

One shortfall WordPress has is that it does not send email notifications to the interested parties when any of the following occur:

  • A Contributor submits a post for review.
  • An Administrator / Editor publishes the pending post.

Rest easy, this simple plugin solves this issue.

What are the benefits of having this simple plugin:

  1. Ensure administrators / editors are immediately notified of articles pending review and take action
  2. Provides efficient and timely communication to your wonderful contributors on the status of their articles.
  3. Encourages them to contribute more as such actions keep your site fresh in their mind.

Simply activate the plugin and it will work auto-magically! Below is a sample of an email message from the plugin:

Post Status Notifications Email Message

There are no settings required for the Post Status Notifications plugin as it add no overhead to your WordPress site.

Download the plugin from the WordPress repository. will feature articles on WordPress (themes, plugins, and tutorials, Internet Marketing, Blogging, SEO, Web Design, and Social Media

5 thoughts on “Post Status Notifications Plugin

  1. Hi, thanks for the great plugin. It really works like a charm. However I was wondering if it will be possible to alter the e-mail messages that are sent to both the admins and the contributors in the foreseeable future.

    That would be a great benefit on my site.

    For now I will have to write a function doing that, which is no problem at all, really. Just saying. :)

    Keep up the great work,

    1. Hi Tom – Absolutely. We’ll add that ability in future release.
      If you get a second, please be sure to rate the plugin on the WP repository. It helps ensure others know about the plugin.

  2. I’ve not had the chance to use this plugin, though it fills a gap that is missing in WordPress!

    I had a quick browse through the source code and it seems only users with the Administrator role will get moderation request emails. It would be great if you included the Editor role as well as a Settings page that would allow you to pick between the two roles for which role gets emailed. In larger sites, you may find that the Administrator deals with maintenance and ensuring the site is running correctly etc. while an Editor reads/edits the posts and decides if they should be published etc.

  3. Hello Tim,

    We are actually working on a new update right now and we will be sure to add this in as a new feature.

    Thanks for the feedback :)

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