Post Relate Pro

Do you want to make sure your related posts are easily seen on your blog? Post Relate Pro is the most extensive plugin on the market for displaying your blog’s most related posts.  Use Posts Relate Pro to create beautiful in post content or widgets on your site showcasing your most related posts.

Choose Between 10 Layouts

  1. Inline Card
  2. Stacked Card
  3. List
  4. Thumbnail
  5. Image Tiles
  6. Bar Graph
  7. Line Graph
  8. Grid
  9. Slider
  10. Fancy Colors

Post Relate Pro Features

Post Relate Pro has many great features.

  • Will not affect page load time
  • Select which posts will display a related posts list
    • Display related posts at bottom or top of post content
  • Select how related posts are picked
    • By taxonomy (i.e. category, tags or any other custom taxonomy)
    • Contextually by using the current post’s title as a keyword for retrieving related posts
  • Exclude posts from being shown in the related posts list
    • Exclude posts by Category, tags or any custom taxonomy
    • Exclude by individual post
  • Show multiple per page

Page Load Times

Related Posts Pro is a great plugin for showing off all of your related posts.  The main problem with most of the related posts plugins out there is that they affect your page load time.  So even though they are getting all the related posts, it is slowing down your site and hindering your user’s experience.

The Numbers

No Plugins Active

Display Related Posts

Display Related Posts Asynchronously

Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 17.55.03

Above is an infographic showing the page load time of post display Related Posts Pro on our demo site.  As you can see by the numbers loading Related Posts Asynchronously only has a 2.2% increase to your page load time.  This is very small for the amount of power you get from this plugin.

So you can rest assured that Related Posts Pro is going to beautifully display your related posts in a way that will barely affect your page load times.


Please visit our demo site to view all different types of related posts.


Thank you for purchasing Post Relate Pro! As I said at the beginning of this post, we’re glad to help if you have any questions relating to this plugin. No guarantees, but we’ll do our best to assist.

If you have any questions related to this plugin, please ask on the support forum. We will resolve any bugs or issues promptly. Finally, we simply ask that you leave a 5-star review if you love this plugin and the support provided by our team.

We respond to support forum questions Monday – Friday between 9AM – 5PM EST. We will respond to every support forum thread. Please note that the support forum is only for members who have purchased one of our products. will feature articles on WordPress (themes, plugins, and tutorials, Internet Marketing, Blogging, SEO, Web Design, and Social Media

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