How to Create Content that Converts

Creating content that converts consumers into customers is one of the biggest difficulties online business owners face today.

That is after all, the ultimate goal.

The difference between content that converts and content that doesn’t is usually lies in the way the content is written.

What followers are some tips and techniques to improve your content and increase conversion rates.

arm-wrestling - content that converts

Provide Useful Information

More often than not, when people turn to the Internet for information they want to solve a problem or get an answer to a question.

As we all know, when Internet users want to find something they won’t stop until they find it, and when they find it they are more than appreciative.

Usually, when people find what they need on a site they will continue browsing to see if there is more information they would like to know. If they do find more valuable information, they become even more vested in the site.

That’s a good thing (especially for you website owners) because the reader will start to build a relationship with the site, and over time that can lead to making a purchase, more engagement on your site, etc.

However, when providing information, it is important to give it to them as soon as possible, or even right away.

Generally speaking, people will not dig through an article for too long looking for what they need. If they have questions then they need answers – they want it quick and easy.

That’s why using subheaders and bullet points are vitally important in content.

Give people the information they need quickly; this way they don’t need to read all the text, just the subheaders and bullet points.

If readers can find the information they need quickly and easily you will be rewarded by being remembered as a valuable resource.

Authoritative Content Matters Too

You don’t ever want your readers to think they are reading inaccurate information.

Therefore, it is wise to figure out how to build authority.

This is why it is extra important to use references in content that contains facts and statistics. Readers will be able to check on the information you are providing. Most of the time, people will trust information if there are references with the content.

Guide Readers

Content should take readers on a journey. At first, they should feel as though you understand their problems or questions.

You must identify with them.

Doing this is very important for sales in general or just being a good business owner. You really need to know what it’s like to be your customers/readers.

After you attract them in this way, you need to give them hope for a solution or answer.

For example, telling them that even though it may seem there isn’t much they can do, there’s actually a lot that can be done. They can solve their problems and get answers to their questions right here, provided by you!

This excites readers. It makes them feel connected to you, and it makes them want to read more. At this point, the first goal of getting your readers engaged in your content has been achieved.

You have your readers connected to the article, so now you have to deliver what you’ve promised. Solve their problems and answer their questions. This is especially important if you have a blog. Answering comments is a great way to increase engagement and add depth to your content.

Then Lead them to a Sale

Readers are connected to you and they are thankful that you have given them such great information.

You have them at this point.

All you have to do is connect them to your services and products.

Ask yourself, how can my services and products help them further solve their problems and answer their questions?

Sometimes, you have to reach. Other times, you don’t have to too much. You can easily see how your services and products slide right in as a natural choice for making a purchase.

This brings up the obvious point of making your content relevant! If the goal in the end is to sell the reader a product or service make sure what they are reading/viewing can be connected to your product or service.

Include a Call to Action

What’s interesting about Internet user psychology is that they need to be told to make a purchase. Many of them won’t unless they are asked. They also need details on how to make the purchase.

This can be as simple as saying, “Click on this link to purchase this product now.” It’s easy to overlook things like this because it seems obvious to you as the site/business owner.

Therefore, you really need to think like your reader or customer. Tell them you have a product/service offering, and make it painfully simple to purchase that service/product on your site.

Keep in mind that you only have readers for a few minutes before they might leave your site and buy something somewhere else, or move on to the next article, or change to the next tack on iTunes.

This is why it’s important to use some indicator of time or urgency in your call to action.

Notice the example above. It includes the word “now.”

You should tell readers you have a sale for a limited time, or that they need to take advantage of this product today. If you don’t have a reason for why they should use the product or service, connect it to the problem or question they had when coming to your site.


With this information, start writing content that converts. It can take some practice, but once you get it, you’ll be converting many more people than you were before, which will make all the time worth it.

If you’d like feel free to pick up a free e-book from copyblogger on this subject.

What are some examples of great content you’ve gotten to convert? How do you go about creating this content? What is your methodology? Let us know in the comments below! will feature articles on WordPress (themes, plugins, and tutorials, Internet Marketing, Blogging, SEO, Web Design, and Social Media

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