How to Increase WordPress PHP Memory Limit

I tried to upload an video to WordPress today and realized that I needed to increase my WordPress PHP memory limit. This is an easy step and can be performed by beginners.

1) Simply open up a text editor such as TextEdit or Notepad++.
Note: MS Word is NOT a text editor.

2) Copy the following into a new file:

memory_limit = 96M
post_max_size = 96M
upload_max_filesize = 96M
file_uploads = On

3) Save the file with the following name: php.ini
Note: If you are using GoDaddy, you may have to name it php5.ini instead as they upgraded their servers to run PHP5. But why would you be on GoDaddy anyway? :)

4) FTP to the root directory of your site. This is where your wp-admin and wp-content folders reside on the server. Upload the php.ini file to the wp-admin directory.

5) That’s it!

Let me know if it worked for you? If not, I may be able to offer some guidance. Enjoy. will feature articles on WordPress (themes, plugins, and tutorials, Internet Marketing, Blogging, SEO, Web Design, and Social Media

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