5 Good Reasons to Use WordPress

With each new release, WordPress becomes the go-to content management software (CMS) for creating websites. Whereas previously, WordPress was widely associated with just blogs, it has truly surpassed that reputation to be the easiest CMS for all types of sites. One only needs to browse the many WordPress sites, themes, and showcases to see its versatility.

So if you are still debating on what CMS to choose for your next site, here are some excellent reasons to choose WordPress:

1. Simple to Use

Quite frankly, it’s so simple to install and use out-of-the-box. Most hosts offer one-click installations of WordPress, so there’s no need to be a techie or perform complex server configuration. The installation process is extremely straight-forward and hundreds of tutorials are available on the web. Once you’re logged in, the panels make sense and it’s easy for beginners to understand which panel relates to what aspect of their site.

2. Plugins Flexibility

Considering a good portion of the internet is now running on WordPress, you can bet it has enough plugins (add-ons) to keep you busy. Whatever additional features you requre, there’s a plugin for it in WordPress. There are thousands of WordPress plugins on line to extend the features of your own site and the best part is most of them are free.

3. SEO Friendly

WordPress already comes pre-packages with better SEO than most HTML templates in the market. With the addition of an SEO plugin, and great content, you will have a website with the potential to rank well in Google. It has all the features for pinging, trackbacks and proper heading tags to get you started.

4. Large Community Support

It’s popular! When an user-base this large exists, you will be able to find plenty of blogs, forums, and tutorials to answer your questions. Additionally, if you need to hire a developer or designer, there’s a large community ready and willing to tackle your WordPress requirements.

5. Open Source

WordPress is an open source software done using PHP. If you need any extra customization to your WordPress website, it’s easy to find a developer to extend its functions. This flexibility gives you endless expandability for the website.

There you go, the top reasons to choose WordPress for your next site. If you need help setting up WordPress, just contact us to discuss further.


WPsite.net will feature articles on WordPress (themes, plugins, and tutorials, Internet Marketing, Blogging, SEO, Web Design, and Social Media

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